What is the Graduate Student Resource Center?
Whether you are a new student, advanced in your coursework, or writing your dissertation, FSU has resources to support your success. The Graduate Student Resource Center provides all that and more!

Want to get involved on campus?
Visit the Student Organizations and Involvement website to learn more about campus events and active student organizations. Take control of your FSU experience!

Need to Learn your way around?
Visitor Services offers virtual tours of Florida State University's Campus.
Directions and Parking
Student parking spaces are marked with white lines and parking permits are required. Please visit FSU Transportation Services website for more information.
FSUCard™ Center
Each student needs thair driver's licence or other government issued ID (ex. passport or military ID) to obtain an FSUCard™. The FSUCard™ Center is located in the FSU Bookstore off of Woodward Avenue. Please be sure to check their website for hours of operation prior to visiting.
- Veterans Center Website
- Graduate Students: Explore the services and resources the Student Veterans Center provides, and the information specific to graduate students.
- Student Veterans of America: Get involved in campus life and social activities
- Veterans Orientation: View the online orientation on how to apply for and use your VA/military educational benefits
Introduction Video
Additional Information and Helpful Links
- Distance Learning Website
- New Student Checklist: Important next steps for distance learners once admitted.
- University Policies for Distance Learning: Rights and responsibilities for distance learners.
- Student Guide to Learning Online: Grievance process and protections for distance learners.
- FSU Distance Campus: Essential tools and strategies to maximize learning at a distance.
- Online Programs Leading to Licensure: Information for students who intend to pursue a professional licensing after graduation.
The Congress of Graduate Students (COGS) is the official representative body of graduate students at Florida State University. This includes all post-baccalaureate, special, masters, specialist, professional, and doctoral students.
In accordance to the Student Body Constitution, COGS is the part of student government dedicated to graduate students. As the body representing graduate students, COGS represents graduate student interests to the university and community, and is empowered to issue resolutions expressing the views of graduate students and calling attention to important issues. The Congress provides graduate students with grants for conference travel, and funds programs and activities across campus that are targeted at graduate students. Additionally, the Congress is a funding source for graduate student organizations. This is made possible by the Activities and Service (A&S) fees paid by students. Each year, COGS receives several hundred thousand dollars in funds directly from a portion of the A&S fees paid by graduate students to FSU. COGS has full authority in the oversight, regulation, and allocation of these funds to graduate students, graduate student organizations, and other programs at Florida State University. COGS has the responsibility to use these funds for the benefit of the student body.
Additional Information and Helpful Links
Introduction Video
Additional Information and Helpful Links
Academic Calendar: Information about important dates for registration, fees, graduation, and other academic deadlines.
Center for the Advancement of Teaching: The center seeks to recognize and cultivate learner-centered teaching throughout the university.
Graduate Bulletin: Information regarding the University’s policies, procedures, requirements, course descriptions, and more.
Degree Programs: Information about each of the graduate programs offered at FSU.
Student Handbook: Information about support services, student rights and responsibilities and academic policies.
Graduate Admissions: Links to Admissions' website.
The Registrar: Links to Registrar's website.
Campus Activities
Nole Central: Search student organizations and find events happening on campus.
FSU Events Calendar: Information about upcoming events on campus.
FSU Student Union: Information regarding services and activities provided by the FSU Student Union.
Theatre: Information about the FSU Theatre events and activities.
Opening Nights: Information about Opening Nights performances and events.
Askew Student Life Center & Cinema: Information about the Askew Student Life Center movies and Cyber Café events.
Bowling and Billiards: Information about the bowling center located in the FSU Student Union.
FSU Lakefront Park: Information regarding the Seminole Lakefront Park.
Club Downunder / Union Productions: Information about the events at Club Downunder / Union Productions.
Center for Global Engagement: Information about the programs and events at The Globe.
Food and Dining
On Campus Dining:Information regarding dining locations around campus.
Meal Plans:Information regarding dining options and meal memberships at the University.
Global Café:Information regarding culturally enriching dining experiences provided in the Globe Dining Room.
Family Support
Childcare: Link to FSU Childcare & Early Learning Program's website.
Family Connection: Information about resources available to support you and your family.
Finances & Funding
Financial Aid: Information regarding application & award of financial scholarships, grants, loans, and other aid programs.
Graduate School Funding: Information regarding funding and awards provided by FSU.
Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards:Information regarding identifying and applying for external funding and awards.
Student Business Services: Information regarding tuition and fees, payments, and financial policies.
The Graduate School
The Graduate School: Link to main Graduate School website.
Graduate School Programs:
- Office of Graduate Fellowships and Awards (OGFA)
- Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPDA)
- The Fellows Society
Health & Safety
FSU Police Department: Information concerning crime prevention programs, crime statistics, and other police services.
FSU Alerts: Information about the Florida State University's emergency notification system.
Student Health Insurance: Information about Immunization and Health Insurance requirements for Florida State University students.
Health Insurance Subsidy: Information regarding the Health Insurance Subsidy for graduate assistants
Leach Center: Information regarding the Leach Student Recreation Center
Counseling and Psychological Services: Information regarding immunization requirements, health insurance, and other health services and concerns.
University Health Services: Information regarding immunization requirements, health insurance, and other health services and concerns.
On Campus: University Housing: Information regarding on-campus housing in University residence halls.
Off-Campus Housing: Information regarding off–campus housing options and getting settled in Tallahassee.
International Students
Center for Global Engagement: Information for international students attending the University and enrichment programs for all students.
Center for Intensive English Studies: Information about the Center for Intensive English Studies.
Library Services
Strozier: Information on the Strozier Library
Dirac: Information on the Dirac Science Library
Engineering: Information on the Engineering Library
Medical: Information on the Medical Library
Innovation Hub: Information on the Innovation Hub Holdings
Diginole: Information on the Diginole Holdings
Music: Information on the Music Library
Student Resources
Career Center: Information concerning on-campus student employment, choosing a major, internships, graduate school, off-campus employment and job-searching.
Congress of Graduate Students: Information about the council of student leaders appointed to represent the graduates students on campus and in the community.
Center for Leadership & Social Change: Information regarding community service and leadership development.
Department of Student Support and Transitions: Information regarding the Department of Student Support and Transitions.
FSU Bookstore: Information on textbooks, computers, and other school supplies.
FSUCard Center: Information regarding the University’s student ID card and its uses.
Graduate Assistants United: Information regarding the collective bargaining agent for Graduate Assistants at FSU.
Information Technology Services: For information concerning FSU Internet access, student email, campus cable, and much more.
Student Disability Resource Center: Information regarding services provided to students with temporary or permanent learning and/or physical disabilities.
Student Resilience Project: Information about stress management and healthy coping skills.
Student Veterans Center: Information regarding FSU’s Student Veterans Center, including information about educational benefits provided under the GI Bill.
Transportation & Maps
Campus Bus Service: Information about the campus bus services for faculty, staff, students, and visitors.
Campus Map: Searchable 3D map of the FSU Campus
City of Tallahassee Bus Service: Information about the city bus services for the Tallahassee area.
Red Coach: Information about the Red Coach bus service.
Tallahassee International Airport: Information about the Tallahassee International Airport.
Transportation and Parking Services: Information regarding bus routes, parking rules, and decals.
Virtual Tours: Information regarding virtual tours and live-streaming events to help you become familiar with the FSU campus.