We are now accepting Graduate applications for Fall 2025, and Spring 2026.*
*Please contact your department for application open terms and deadlines.
Readmissions | Non-Degree Seeking | Transient Students
If you have never attended Florida State University as a degree-seeking student and wish to apply, please visit the Admissions homepage for more information.
Complete the readmissions application if:
Previously Enrolled:
You were previously enrolled in a degree-seeking graduate program at Florida State University and have been absent for two or more consecutive semesters, including the summer.
Academically Dismissed:
You were academically dismissed from Florida State and have been absent for two or more consecutive semesters, including summer. (Academically dismissed students are not eligible for readmission unless they have been reinstated by their academic dean. Reinstatement to continue does not guarantee a favorable readmission decision or admission into a specific major.)
Formally Withdrew:
You withdrew from Florida State and have been absent for two or more consecutive semesters, including summer.
Administratively Cancelled:
Your last term of enrollment at Florida State was administratively cancelled and you have been absent for two or more consecutive semesters, including summer.
Second Graduate Degree:
You earned a graduate degree from Florida State and wish to pursue a second graduate degree.
*Please be aware that the readmission application deadline may differ from the regular admissions deadline. Contact your department for more information on the readmission application deadline. Additionally, graduate readmission will require approval from the academic department with final approval by the Office of Admissions.
Graduate students who wish to change degree levels (e.g., master's to doctoral or doctoral to master's) before earning the degree should not complete this form.
Graduate students who wish to change majors before completing the degree should complete a Change of Major form available at the Office of the Registrar.
Graduate students wishing to dual enroll in more than one academic program at the same time should contact The Graduate School to complete a Dual Enrollment Request form.
Non-Degree Seeking
Enrollment as a non-degree student is subject to approval by the Office of Admissions provided the student is in good academic standing at the last institution attended. Applicants who have been denied admission as a degree-seeking student or who missed the deadline for submitting a degree- seeking application will not be considered for enrollment as a non-degree student.
Course registration is on a space-available basis and, in some cases, may require departmental approval. Coursework taken as a non-degree student carries no degree credit. Up to 12 semester hours earned as a graduate non-degree student may be applied toward a graduate degree only with the approval of the appropriate department chair and dean upon acceptance into a degree program (provided that a grade of "B" [3.0] or better has been achieved). Non-degree students must adhere to the same academic rules that applies to degree-seeking students (e.g., application deadlines, fees, drop/add, withdrawals, grading, retention policies, etc.).
Students who subsequently decide to pursue a degree must submit the appropriate admission application. Enrollment as a non-degree student does not guarantee admission to the University as a degree-seeking student. All information used to make an admission decision must be received by the published deadline.
Non-Degree Application Open Dates:
- Spring: October 1
- Summer: February 1
- Fall: June 1
Non-Degree Deadlines
December 1
May 1
August 1
Most academic programs have earlier deadlines than those established by the University, or may admit only for a specific term. Additionally, some departments accept materials later than the departmental deadline date. Prospective applicants must contact the academic program for program application deadlines.
Transient Students
Transient status allows degree-seeking students enrolled at another institution to take courses which are not offered at their parent institution at Florida State University on a space-available basis. Students must be in good academic standing at their parent institution and (if previously enrolled) at Florida State.
Transient applications may be submitted no earlier than one semester in advance of the term for which the applicant is seeking admission. Deadlines for each semester are as follows:
Transient Deadlines
December 1
May 1
August 1
Most academic programs have earlier deadlines than those established by the University, or may admit only for a specific term. Additionally, some departments accept materials later than the departmental deadline date. Prospective applicants must contact the academic program for program application deadlines.